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Virpi Mäkinen
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Virpi Mäkinen
Luojan kosminen sinfonia: Bonaventuran trinitaarinen luomisteologia ja sen ekoteologinen ulottuvuus

God’s Cosmic Symphony: Bonaventure’s Trinitarian Theology of Creation and its Ecotheological Dimension — For Bonaventure, creation was based on the self-diffusive goodness and love of the triune God, from which a community of relationships emerges (emanatio). All of creation is therefore in some way related to and even a sign of the Trinity (exemplarism). Like a mirror or book, creation reflects the power, wisdom and goodness of the triune God and is meant to lead humans back to Him. Bona venture viewed the world as both sacramental and symbolic. Since every creature has its foundation in the uncreated Word of God, the incarnate Word of God reveals to the world its own meaning and directs the world to fulfilment and completion in God (consummatio). Creation is imbued with divine meaning and awaits the human person to give voice to this meaning. Only together do they form a symphony of divine praise and glory.
Kalle Hiltunen
Kokemus vai traditio Ristin Johanneksen mystiikan lähteenä?

Experience or Tradition as a Source of the Mysticism of John of the Cross? — Once in a while, experience is cited as one of the main sources of the mysticism of John of the Cross. However, a careful study of the mysticism of John shows that the features which superficially seem to have been inspired by some sort of mystical experience prove instead to be part of the tradition where John lived. For example, John’s concept of the essential knowledge of creatures which the soul attains in union with God is inspired by the medieval debate on the cognition of God (especially John Baconthorpe) and the thoughts of Meister Eckhart.
Irina Karvonen
Pyhittäjä Adrian Ondrusovalaisen elämäkerran uusi ajoitus

A New Dating for the Hagiography of Venerable Adrian of Ondrusov — Adrian of Ondrusov was, as tradition holds, a monk who lived in the 16th century and founded the Ondrusova monastery in the Olonets region, in the proximity of Lake Ladoga. The precise founding year of the monastery remains unclear. Nineteenth-century literature presents contradictory views on the question. The Hermitage of St Nicholas in Ondrusova, edited by Hegumen Damaskin of the Valaam monastery in 1856, was until recently considered the earliest written hagiography of St. Adrian of Ondrusov. A newly discovered manuscript source provides more detailed information about the origin of the hagiography of Adrian as the founder of the Ondrusova monastery as well as the monastery’s historical development.
Ahti Lampinen
Luonnontieteiden ja teologian välistä sillanrakentamista Michael Polanyin töiden pohjalta

Building a Bridge between Natural Sciences and Theology in Michael Polanyi’s Thought — Michael Polanyi’s basic idea is that physical laws are not sufficient to explain natural phenomena. Biological processes as well as processes of perception, learning and communication can be described by boundary conditions and hierarchies that constrain or harness the physical laws. This idea can be extended to situations where our ultimate frame of reference is changing and where we may face problems associated with theology.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Leo Näreaho
Materian tietoisuutta vai tietoista materiaa? Panpsykismin tarkastelua

Kalevi Toiviainen
Minne menet, kirkko?

Jaakko Olavi Anttila
Usko, oppi ja määräenemmistö kirkolliskokouksessa: Neljän vuosikymmenen tulkintavaikeudet


  • Riikka Nissi. Totuuden jäljillä: Tekstin tulkinta nuorten aikuisten raamattupiirikeskusteluissa (Helena Kangasharju)
  • Päivi Happonen. Kaksi todellisuutta? Kirkonkirjat ja henkikirjat Sortavalan kaupungin väestöllisen profiilin kuvaajina 1800-luvun alusta vuoteen 1940 (Kari Pitkänen)
  • Mia Korpiola. Between Betrothal and Bedding: Marriage Formation in Sweden 1200–1610 (Jyrki Knuutila)
  • Valtter Luoto. Ruut Moabilainen: Ruutin kirjan kommentaari (Lotta Valve)
  • Valtter Luoto. Aamos – Oikeudenmukaisuuden julistaja: Aamoksen kirjan kommentaari (Lotta Valve)
  • Heikki Palmu. Suomen kirkon tulevaisuus? Kipukohtia, ongelmia ja mahdollisuuksia (Tiina Ikonen)
  • Elina Vuola. Jumalainen nainen: Neitsyt Mariaa etsimässä (Kirsi Stjerna)
  • Aku Visala .Religion Explained? A Philosophical Appraisal of the Cognitive Science of Religion (Leo Näreaho)
  • Teresa Wontor-Cichy. Für den Glauben in Haft: Zeugen Jehovas im KL Auschwitz. Staatliches Museum
  • Auschwitz-Birkenau in Oświęcim (Esko M. Laine)
  • Gerhard Besier & Clemens Vollnhals (Eds.). Repression und Selbstbehauptung: Die Zeugen Jehovas unter der NS- und der SED-Diktatur (Esko M. Laine)
  • Gavin D’costa. Christianity and World Religions: Disputed Questions in the Theology of Religions (Jyri Komulainen)
  • Kirsi Stjerna. Women and the Reformation (Sini Mikkola)


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