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Niko Huttunen
Stoalaisfilosofi Epiktetoksen näkemys kristityistä

How Stoic Philosopher Epictetus Saw the Christians — The works of Stoic philospher Epictetus, dating from the early 2nd century AD, are among the oldest pagan sources to mention Christians. They contain information which is significant for the study of early Christianity but which has been largely neglected. Epictetus seems to have been aware that the Christians were fearless in the face of violence and that there were schisms between the Christians and the Jews regarding baptism. He calls the Christians Galileans and Jews, reflecting a situation where it is not yet entirely clear that Christianity is separate from Judaism.
Mikko Telaranta
Heideggerin Descartes-kritiikistä

On Heidegger’s Critique of Descartes — Heidegger’s thinking has been very influential in the Modernist era. His critique of Descartes, highlighting the origins of Cartesian philosophy, demonstrates how the precepts of the philosophy and scholastics of Antiquity were transferred to the natural sciences and human sciences that emerged in a new way at the beginning of the modern era. Philosophical study of man and the world was supplanted by scientific research. The ”worldliness” of the world, i.e. how man perceives the nature of the world, was completely ignored. Descartes is a central figure in the development of mathematical physics, but with regard to the general theory of the reality of the world, his approach led to a fatal restriction of the study of reality. Objectivizing the world, or reducing it to the object of man’s technical calculations, forces us to reconsider the issue of the nature of being in the very real existence of human beings – the theme, in fact, of Being and Time.
Ryszard Miś
Jeesuksen Pyhän Sydämen papit Suomessa vuosina 1906–1911

The First Years of Presence of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Finland 1906–1911 — In this year, 2007, the Congregation of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus celebrates the 100th anniversary of its work for the Roman Catholic Church in Finland. This article concentrates on the beginnings of this ministry and contacts of the first Finnish Catholic priest since the Reformation, Wilfried von Christierson, with the Founder of the Congregation, Fr. Leo Dehon. A complicated political situation and administrative dependence of the Finnish Catholics on the administration of the Russian Church caused constant tensions both in the small Catholic community in Helsinki and in relationships between the Vatican and the administration of the Diocese of Mohylew. The lack of experience of the young von Christierson and ignorance of the realities of Russian politics on the part of Fr. Dehon led to the first attempts at creating an in-dependent ecclesiastical administration for the Finnish Catholics ending in disaster: in 1911, the first Dutch SCJ-priests were expelled from the country, and von Christierson was deprived of his office as a Pastor. The ambitious plans were not realized until the situation had changed completely, with Finland’s independence.
Martin Ubani
Koulun uskonnonopetus ja kokonaisvaltainen kasvatus

Teaching of Religion in Schools and Holistic Education — This article deals with the relationship of holistic education and religious education. The Finnish basic education stresses the importance of holistic education. However, ”spiritual development” as a cross-curricular theme challenges the traditional self-understanding of all school subjects, e.g., the role of religious education in spiritual growth. Not only is religious education an integrative subject, it offers a space for articulating one’s position to-wards one’s own religious tradition and its truth-claims, God and transcendence and the meaning of life.
Timo Ryhänen
Spiritualiteetti ja suomalaiset rauhanturvaajat

Spirituality and Finnish Peacekeepers — Spirituality can be understood as an underlying theoretical assumption of human beings possessing different kinds of talents and intelligences creating a holistic entity. In this broad perspective, spirituality can be seen as an umbrella concept, as a holistic ability or talent, that can be explored as the deepest aspect of defining what it means to be human. The theoretical framework of spirituality can incorporate the concept of an intelligence, which is defined in Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences as the ability to solve problems or to create products which are valued within one or more cultural settings. Spirituality in the theoretical and conceptual horizon can be viewed as an extension of Gardner’s theory of intelligences as one potential Gardnerian intelligence candidate. In addition to Gardner’s theory, spirituality can be understood as sensitivity which includes capacities such as sensing awareness, sensing mystery and sensing value. The practical aspects of spirituality must also be taken in account, as shown in our everyday lives, giving us direction and influencing our social responsibilities and concerns. The spirituality of Finnish peacekeepers has been explored empirically, involving the element of the peacekeepers’ community, the element of personal moral orientations and in the domain of religion and coping.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Paavo Kettunen
Sielunhoito vai psykoterapia?


  • Ville Jalovaara. Kirkko, Kekkonen ja kommunismi poliittisina kriisivuosina 1958–1962 (Juha Seppo)
  • Tuomas Rasimus. Paradise Reconsidered: A Study of the Ophite Myth and Ritual and Their Relationship to Sethianism (Antti Marjanen & Anne Pasquier & Einar Thomassen)
  • Ville Päivänsalo. Balancing Reasonable Justice: John Rawls and Crucial Steps beyond (Rex Martin)
  • Irja Aro-Heinilä. ”Sinä olet viisas tyttö, mutta Jumala on viisaampi”. Naisen kuva, roolit ja rooli-ihanteet Hilja Haahden tuotannossa 1895–1966 (Pirjo Lyytikäinen)
  • Pauliina Kainulainen (toim.) Pyhän kosketus luonnossa: Johdatus kristilliseen ekoteologiaan (Virpi Mäkinen)
  • Jouko Kiiski. Rajallinen rakkaus: Suomalaisten teologien käsitykset parisuhteista (Vesa Hirvonen)
  • Leif Erikson. Enhet – men till vilket pris? Confessio Augustana som ekumeniskt dokument (Ola Byfält)
  • Joseph Ratzinger, Benedikt XVI. Jesus von Nazareth (Ola Byfält)
  • Kai Alhanen. Käytännöt ja ajattelu Michel Foucault’n filosofiassa (Tuija Pulkkinen)
  • Pekka Tapaninen. Oskari Heikki Jussila (1888–1955): Lestadiolaispappi, toimen ja näkyjen mies (Jouko Talonen)
  • Martti Vuollo. Jyrisevä kouluneuvos – tunnollinen pedagogi: Martti E. Miettinen kasvattajana ja opettajana (Jouko Talonen)
  • Urban Claesson. Folkhemmets kyrka: Harald Hallén och folkkyrkans genombrott. En studie av socialdemokrati, kyrka och nationsbygge med särskild hänsyn till perioden 1905–1933 (Jouko Talonen)
  • Eino Murtorinne. Lennat Heljas: Kansainvälisesti suuntautunut poliitikko ja kirkonmies (Jouko Talonen)
  • Helge Gyllenberg. Rafael Gyllenberg i 1900-talets brytningstider (Jouko Talonen)
  • Patrik Winton. Frihetstidens politiska praktik: Nätverk och offentlightet 1746–1766 (Minna Ahokas)
  • Ilkka Pyysiäinen. Jumalten keinu: Kiertoajattelu uskontotieteessä (Leo Näreaho)
  • Daniel C. Dennett. Lumous murtuu: Uskonto luonnonilmiönä (Leo Näreaho)
  • Yaron Eliav. God’s Mountain: The Temple Mount in Time, Place and Memory (Erkki Vettenniemi)
  • Maria Leppäkari. Apocalyptic Representations of Jerusalem (Erkki Vettenniemi)
  • Johannes Marböck. Weisheit und Frömmigkeit: Studien zur alt testamentlichen Literatur der Spätzeit (Marko Marttila)
  • Pancratius C. Beentjes. ”Happy the One Who Meditates on Wisdom” (Sir. 14,20): Collected Essays on the Book of Ben Sira (Marko Marttila)
  • Olli Poutiainen. Nuorten arvot ja tietoyhteiskunta-asenteet (Arto Kallioniemi)

