Artikkelit sv
Elina Juntunen
Marjukka Laiho
Anne Birgitta Pessi
Uskonnolliset yhteisöt ja maahanmuuttajien hyvinvointi: Arvojen ja akkulturaation näkökulma

Religious Organisations and the Welfare of Immigrants: The Perspective of Values and Acculturation — Increasing immigration to Finland and societal changes towards welfare pluralism have challenged religious organisations to develop new welfare services for immigrants. This article introduces a case study from Lahti. It concentrates on services provided by the Evangelical-Lutheran Church, the Pentecostal Church and the Salvation Army. The key questions are: What are the main values reflected in the welfare work? Furthermore, what kind of views on acculturation are prevalent in the religious organisations?
Mira-Irana Helimäki
Dionysiolainen näkökulma pyhään

A Dionysian View of Holiness — This article explores a Dionysian view of holiness. Key findings indicate that the concept of ”holiness” according to Dionysius is built into the essence of being. The fact that holiness is not perceived as a fundamental category of being is explained as an absence of awareness. Creation, being an ontological entity, is inevitably party to holiness, according to Dionysius, because it is anchored in the foundation of holiness. The process from non-awareness to awareness of holiness as a latent dimension that is present everywhere and in all things that exist is a key component of the spiritual growth of a human being in Dionysian thinking. Dionysius considered that holiness always manifests itself through the reality of the senses, and therefore holiness as a category of being is veiled in symbols. The article discusses the symbolic nature of being as part of the system of grace.
Kari Latvanen
Todistamisen retoriikka AA:n ”Isossa Kirjassa”

Witness Rhetoric in the AA ”Big Book” — This article discusses how the basic text of Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) supports the process of assigning meaning that is part of the rehabilitation of an alcoholic. The writer interprets the AA text as framing a ”trial” where witnesses testify to the healing power of God and demonstrates how the text draws on rhetorical devices to paint a picture of a world where alcoholism is an ”illness” from which one can only recover by the grace of God. The writer further illustrates how the book invites its reader to participate in a hermeneutic process through which he/she will learn to assign meaning to his/her relationship to alcohol, himself/herself, other people and God in a new way.
Jürgen Römer

On Fundamentalisms — In the media and in everyday conversation, religious fundamentalism is usually seen to be the same kind of thing regardless of its cultural context. This study shows that there is not just one kind of religious fundamentalism but several fundamentalisms that share a family resemblance. Principally, the study describes fundamentalism as conservative politico-religious activism. Fundamentalisms differ from one another for instance in their views of theocracy and democracy. The study also aims to chart universal fundamentalist features, which is problematic because in each specific case the general features constitute an indivisible ”package”. In studying fundamentalism, it is important to determine what kind of fundamentalism we are discussing. This will help avoid generalisations and stereotypes which give a false impression of these phenomena.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Raija Sollamo
Apokryfikirjojen uusi suomennos: Kirkkojen, kulttuurin ja tieteen intressien kohtaaminen

Elisa Järnefelt
Intuitioista ja tiedekäsityksistä: Toinen vastine Rope Kojoselle ja Jaakko Sorrille


  • Mirkka Lappalainen. Susimessu: 1590-luvun sisällissota Ruotsissa ja Suomessa (Simo Heininen)
  • April D. DeConick. The Thirteenth Apostle: What the Gospel of Judas Really Says (Ismo Dunderberg)
  • Bruce Hindmarsh. John Newton and the English Evangelical Tradition Between the Conversions of Wesley and Wilberforce (Esko M. Laine)
  • Bruce Hindmarsh. The Evangelical Conversion Narrative: Spiritual Autobiography in Early Modern England (Esko M. Laine)
  • Ilkka Halava, Matti Helin & Pontus Salmi. Kansankirkon myytinmurtajat (Mika Vähäkangas)


Syyslukukaudella 2009 hyväksytyt teologian opinnäytetyöt
