Artikkelit sv
Antti Laine
Vuosien 1959–1960 salainen tutkimus roomalaiskatolisen kirkon lähetystyöstä Suomessa

The Secret Survey Concerning the Missionary Work of the Roman Catholic Church in Finland 1959–1960 — Fifty years ago, at the same time as Pope John XXIII announced the convening of the Second Vatican Council, the Bishops’ Conference of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland commissioned a study on the missionary work of the Roman Catholic Church in Finland. The study was intended to be kept confidential. The increased activity of the Catholic Church worried many of the leading figures of the Lutheran Church. The potential influence of the Catholic Church on Lutheran children was regarded as particularly threatening.
Petri Luomanen
Juutalaiskristilliset evankeliumit: Uusi rekonstruktio

The Judeo-Christian Gospels: A New Reconstruction — The article describes the commonly accepted theory that presupposes three Judeo-Christian Gospels (the Gospel of the Ebionites, the Gospel of the Nazarenes and the Gospel of the Hebrews), arguing that the theory is based on assumptions which may have been justified at the beginning of the 20th century but which now need to be reconsidered. The article introduces an alternative reconstruction that locates an anti-Rabbinic collection of passages in a Syriac version of the Gospel of Matthew and offers a new reconstruction of the Gospel of the He-brews.
Valdemar Kallunki
Tunnustettua kumppanuutta? Kuntien ja seurakuntien virallinen yhteistyö moniarvoisuuden näkökulmasta

Acknowledged Partnership? Official Cooperation of Local Authorities and Parishes from the Point of View of Pluralism — The article discusses the relationship of official cooperation between local authorities and parishes to religious pluralism. Underlying the discussion is the liberal democratic requirement for the government to be neutral with regard to religion in order to enable religious pluralism; official cooperation with an established majority church may jeopardize this development. However, contrary to the government-level views of José Casanova, practical results show that at the local level official cooperation is beneficial in nature. Parishes take religious pluralism better into account in official or professional cooperation than in informal cooperation. The public sector itself plays a key role in enabling this cooperation. The results also highlight the importance of empirical research in evaluating the relationship between religious pluralism and official cooperation. The quantitative analysis in the study draws on dual materials concerning cooperation between local authorities and parishes nationwide.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Mari Stenlund
Yksilön oikeus uskoa ja ajatella: Aatehistoriallinen matka antiikista 2000-luvulle

Rope Kojonen
Jaakko Sorri
Kansanomaista biokemiaa ja luomisuskoa? Kommentti Elisa Järnefeltin artikkeliin

Risto Saarinen
Satavuotias Suomalainen Tiedeakatemia ja sen teologit


  • Sari Dhima. Tila tilassa: Liturgian ja tilan dialogi alttarin äärellä (Heikki Kotila)
  • Tauno Väinölä. Virsikirjamme virret (Esko M. Laine)
  • Eero Huovinen. Kärsimys ja ilo: Katumuspsalmien tutkistelua (Joona Salminen)
  • Liljeqvist, Matti. Uuden testamentin sanakirja kreikka–suomi (Tua Korhonen)
  • Amy Laura Hall. Conceiving Parenthood: American Protestantism and the Spirit of Reproduction (Tage Kurtén)

