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”Onko meille keskiaika takaisin palaamassa?” Suomen arkkipiispansauvan valmistus vuonna 1931

”Are the Middle Ages Coming Back?” Making a Crosier for the Archbishop of Finland in 1931 — In 1931, Juhani Rinne, the State Archaeologist of Finland, designed a crosier for the Archbishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church modelled on a Medieval staff at Turku Cathedral. It was commissioned by the Minister of Education, Paavo Virkkunen. The crosier was presented to the new Archbishop Lauri Ingman, prompting a public outcry, since bishops’ staves had not been used in Fin-land since the 16th century. Its introduction combined the ecumenical interests of Virkkunen with the antiquarian vision of Rinne.
Liisa Lampela
Valtataistelu kirkossa 2000-luvulla: Vammalan seurakunnan tapaus

Power Struggle in the Church in the 2000s — Using Vammala Parish as a case study, the article discusses the struggle ongoing in the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Finland in the 2000s concerning who is allowed to officiate in the Church and on whose terms. The approach is sociological, viewing the Church as a social field and power space as per Bourdieu’s theory of power. The struggle for power and leadership is considered as a research problem from the point of view of the parish leadership. The article discusses how the Church defends its doxy and how revival movements that reject the priesthood of women attack the doxy of the Church, thereby methodically reinforcing their heterodoxy. Tolerance seems to be an inalienable value in the Church doxy, supporting the concept of a national church.
Päivi Vähäkangas
Yksiavioisuuden ihanne varhaisen kirkon teologiassa

Monogamy as the Ideal of the Early Church — In the Old Testament, many patriarchs and kings are said to have had several wives. Early Christian theologians struggled to explain away these polygamous references in Scripture. When they argued for the union between one man and one woman, their concept of monogamy came to be understood in a strict sense: it means one single marriage during one’s lifetime. Widows were encouraged to abstain from second marriages. Christian understanding of the Roman univira ideal became the symbol for the virtue of monogamy.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Päivi Salmesvuori
Ruotsin Birgitan tapaus: Elävästä pyhästä kuolleeksi pyhäksi

Matti Myllykoski
A.D. 30: Mitä Jeesukselle tapahtui? Åbo Akademin tutkijaryhmän arvio Jeesuksen kuolemasta ja ylösnousemuksesta

Hans-Olof Kvist
Två nyare framställningar om lutherska bekännelseskrifter

Timo Junkkaala
Mihin erimielisyydet virkakysymyksessä perustuvat? Vastaus John Vikströmille


  • Arto Kuorikoski (toim.) Uskon tilat ja kuvat: Moderni suomalainen kirkkoarkkitehtuuri ja -taide (Hanna Pirinen)
  • Simo Heininen. Turun piispat Pyhästä Henrikistä Mikko Juvaan (Jussi Hanska)
  • Mika Waltari. Totuus Virosta, Latviasta ja Liettuasta (Jouko Talonen)
  • Ruth Tsoffar. The Stains of Culture: An Ethno-Reading of Karaite Jewish Women (Riikka Tuori)
  • Sidnie White Crawford. Rewriting Scripture in Second Temple Times: Studies in the Dead Sea Scrolls and Related Literature (Hanna Tervanotko)
  • Mark Fox. Spiritual Encounters with Unusual Light Phenomena: Lightforms (Leo Näreaho)
  • Mark A. Noll. God and Race in American Politics: A Short History (Markku Ruotsila)
  • Margaret Connell Szasz. Indian Education in the American Colonies 1607–1783 (Esko M. Laine)
  • Peter Burschel.  Sterben und Unsterblichkeit: Zur Kultur des Martyriums in der frühen Neuzeit Ancien Régime, Aufklärung und Revolution, Bd. 35 (Päivi Räisänen)
  • Lee Martin McDonald & James A. Sanders (toim.) The Canon Debate (Ismo Dunderberg)

