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Jaana Hallamaa
Esipuhe: Vastavuoroisuus käsitteenä ja toimintana
Jaana Hallamaa
Hyvinvointiyhteiskunta moraalisena hankkeena: Näkökulmana vastavuoroisuus
Reciprocity as a Social Ideal — Hierarchical societies mainly rely on prohibitive norms to further the interests of their own members. In the welfare state, society also serves a positive function in supporting citizens’ standard of living by supplying and securing a number of economic, social and educational rights. This article discusses how reciprocity as an ideal can help broaden the view on welfare and citizens’ role in the quest to securing a more just and equal society.
Maritta Törrönen
Hyvinvointia luova vastavuoroisuus
Reciprocal Relationships: Creating Well-being — This article discusses welfare and reciprocity in relation to well-being from a social work and social policy point of view. The theoretical framework for this article understands social relationships as crucial components for reciprocity; however, from a social scientific perspective, it is not enough for the service system to support only social relationships. There is also a need for society to aim at ensuring an equal income distribution and maintaining a well-functioning service system, both of which are necessary to support individuals’ real abilities to make choices. These aims are framed by practical, symbolic and moral dimensions of reciprocity, dimensions that illuminate the importance of individuals’ social commitments and the need to transition from servicing individuals to empowering the community.
Johannes Eurich
Reciprocity for all? Remarks Concerning the Notion of Justice for Marginalised People from a Philosophical and Theological Perspective
Reciprocity for All? Remarks Concerning the Notion of Justice for Marginalised People from a Philosophical and Theological Perspective — This article argues that liberal concepts of justice like Rawls’s theory set too many preconditions for people with disabilities, as they are not fully self-determined and capable of performing cooperative work in societal life. To include the perspective of marginalised people into a theory of justice, the author offers a complementary biblical approach that guarantees equal status for every person emphasizing that religious values cannot be accepted as such by the liberal state. Nevertheless, the article points out that Rawls’s theory also relies on virtues, which can be considered as a weak theory of the good. If some religious values can be construed as part of such a weak theory of the good, they should also be able to be reconciled with the system of a liberal state.
Mari Stenlund
Vastavuoroisuus sosiaalietiikan tutkimuksessa: Kokemusperustainen käsiteanalyysi tutkimusmetodina
Reciprocity in the Research of Social Ethics: Experience-Based Conceptual Analysis as a Research Method — This article considers experience-based conceptual analysis as a research method in mental health research, focusing on the themes of reciprocity and power. Experience-based conceptual analysis is a reciprocal method because it recognizes the agency of those who participate in the research. Trust between the agents becomes reciprocal, and agents benefit from and need one another. The success of experience-based conceptual analysis requires that experts, through experience, have power in the research process and that those participating in the process are capable of working with their own emotions and those of the other participants and are also willing to resolve conflicts that might arise during the research process.
Anna Sofia Salonen
Henrietta Grönlund
Vastavuoroisuus ja vapaaehtoinen auttamistoiminta avun vastaanottajan näkökulmasta: Empiirisen tutkimuksen tulkinnallisia mahdollisuuksia ja haasteita
Reciprocity and Voluntary Aid from the Recipient’s Perspective: Interpretive Possibilities and Challenges in Empirical Research — This article examines voluntary aid from the recipient’s perspective, based on the concepts of reciprocity and gift exchange. The study discusses interpretive possibilities and challenges empirical research poses for the analysis of reciprocity and discusses how the Finnish societal and voluntary aid context guides such interpretation. The authors draw their data from a case study of voluntary faith-based food assistance, focusing particularly on a moment when the recipients of the material aid were invited to participate in religious practice during the process of being given the aid. The article explores how this situation can be understood through the concepts of gift exchange and reciprocity as well as what either interpretation overlooks.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Ville Päivänsalo
Vastavuoroista oikeudenmukaisuutta kohti: Ylikansallinen vastuu terveydestä ja paperittomien oikeudet
- Jaana Hallamaa. Yhdessä toimimisen etiikka (Henrika Franck)
- Maritta Törrönen, Kaija Hänninen, Päivi Jouttimäki, Tiina Lehto-Lundén, Petra Salovaara & Minna Veistilä (toim.). Vastavuoroinen sosiaalityö (Elsa Keskitalo)
- Antti Gronow & Tuukka Kaidesoja (toim.). Ihmismielen sosiaalisuus (Aku Visala)
- Frank Johansson. Hyvän tekemisen markkinat (Ilse Paakkinen)
- Françoise Mirguet. An Early History of Compassion: Emotion and Imagination in Hellenistic Judaism (Elisa Uusimäki)
- Anne Birgitta Pessi, Frank Martela & Miia Paakkanen (toim.). Myötätunnon mullistava voima (Heli Inkinen)
- Lyndal Roper. Martin Luther: Renegade and Prophet (Sini Mikkola)
- Hanna Kemppi. Kielletty kupoli, avattu alttari: Venäläisyyden häivyttäminen Suomen ortodoksisesta kirkkoarkkitehtuurista 1918–1939 (Maria Takala-Roszczenko)
- Paul Avis. The Vocation of Anglicanism (Miika Ahola)
- Mike Grimshaw (ed.). This Silence Must Now Speak: The Letters of Thomas J. J. Altizer 1995–2015 (Toni Koivulahti)
- Troels Engberg-Pedersen. John and Philosophy: A New Reading of the Fourth Gospel (Ismo Dunderberg)
- Jonathan Grossman. Abram to Abraham: A Literary Analysis of the Abraham Narrative (Saara-Maria Jurva)
- Mikko Sivonen & Mikko Tassia. Kreikanopiskelijan Uusi testamentti: Osa 1. (Susanna Asikainen)