Artikkelit sv
Aku Visala
Uusateistit ja heidän kriitikkonsa tieteen ja uskonnon rajalla

Neo-atheists and Their Critics at the Border of Science and Religion — The article discusses the views of ”Neo-atheists” Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Daniel Dennett from the perspective of their delineation of the relationship between science and religion. The article also presents counterarguments put forward by critics of the Neo-atheists, theologians defending theism. According to the Neo-atheists, scientific research inevitably leads to conclusions negative to theism. The critics, on the other hand, claim that scientific findings only lead to atheism in the context of certain world view assumptions – assumptions that the theists refute.
Markku Ruotsila
Yhdysvaltain kulttuurisodat ja antikristillisyyden uusi tuleminen

Culture Wars and the Rise of Anti-Christianity in the United States — This article investigates the ”culture wars” between conservative religious groups and secularist elites that have been fought in recent decades in the United States. It contextualizes current Neo-atheist and ’Christian fascism’ discourses with the preceding resurgence of conservative Christianity, concluding that contemporary anti-Christian polemics should be seen as a besieged secular elite’s response to a profound destabilization of the secularization theory on which its self-image and power has depended.
Elisa Järnefelt
Intelligent Design: Kreationistisen opin suhde arkiajatteluun

Intelligent Design: Everyday Conceptions of Nature Masquerading as Science — The article examines the relationship between creationist and intuitive thought. The arguments of the Intelligent Design (ID) theory are introduced as an example of the creationist thought. ID can be understood as a (Neo-) Creationist theory about nature addressing the theory of evolution in three different ways – accepting, denying and adding some parts to it. After comprehensive presentation and some revising of the theory of intuitive thought, the aspects of intuitive thought in the theory of ID are discussed. Especially the arguments in line with folk psychology and folk biology are examined. In conclusion, the article observes that ID is an intuitive theory about nature and its organisms, which also affects the way the theory of evolution is criticized.
Ari Hukari
Islam kirkon haasteena

Islam as a Challenge to the Church — The growing presence of Muslims means a four-fold challenge to the church: a missionary call to witness Christ, a diaconia call to serve Muslims in Jesus’ way, a social-ethical call to engage in dialogue for the common good, and a theological challenge to answer the truth claims of Islam. The theological challenge by Islam is summarised as follows: Christians have corrupted the Holy Scriptures (tahrif). They have gone astray in saying that Jesus is the incarnated God. The doctrine of Trinity is against the oneness (tawhid) of God. The ideas of redemption and atonement are false. Also, some religious practices of Christians are human innovations. But the most serious problem with Christians is that they reject the prophet status of Muhammad and the Qur’an as word of God. The Christian answers to the theological challenge of Islam can be categorized as exclusivistic, inclusivistic and pluralistic. Some examples are given of these three models by representatives of Christian experts on Islam. Finally, a sketch of a post-pluralistic model for Christian-Muslim theological dialogue is proposed.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Esko M. Laine
Virpi Mäkinen
Uskonto Yhdysvaltain politiikassa ja presidentinvaaleissa 2008: Professori Martin E. Martyn haastattelu

Yrjö Tala
Ne sutor supra crepidam: Ehdotus kirkkosidonnaisen väestökirjanpidon ongelmien vähentämiseksi 1880-luvulla

Esko M. Laine
Helsinkiläisten nuorten Jumala-kuva: Rippikoululaisten kysymyksiä Jumalasta ja Jumalalle Malmin seurakunnassa kesällä 2008


  • Tapio Puolimatka. Usko, Tiede ja Raamattu (Petri Luomanen)
  • Stefan Djupsjöbacka. Dialogue in the Crisis of Representation: Realism and Antirealism in the Context of the Conversation between Theologians and Quantum Physicists in Göttingen 1949–1961 (Tapio Luoma)
  • Jósef Baniak. Desakralizacja kultu religijnego i świąt religijnych w Polsce (Tuija Laine)
  • Callum G. Brown. Religion and Society in Scotland since 1707 (Esko M. Laine)
  • Teemu Keskisarja. Secoituxesta järjettömäin luontocappalden canssa: Perversiot, oikeuselämä ja kansankulttuuri 1700-luvun Suomessa (Heikki Pihlajamäki)
  • Riikonen, Juha. Kirkko politiikan syleilyssä: Suomen ortodoksisen arkkipiispakunnan ja Moskovan patriarkaatin välinen kanoninen erimielisyys 1945–1957 (Eino Murtorinne)

