Artikkelit en
Martti Nissinen
Mikael-palkinto Petri Merenlahdelle

Heikki Räisänen
Synnin orjaksi myyty? Juutalaisia ja varhaiskristillisiä näkemyksiä ihmisen tilanteesta Jumalan maailmassa

Sold Under Sin? Early Jewish and Christian Views of the Human Condition in God’s World — My point of departure is Dr Jari Jolkkonen’s article (Teologinen Aikakauskirja 4/2007), in which he argues that the idea of evil as destiny, inherent in the doctrine of original sin, is well documented in the Bible. My article challenges that claim. It presents a broad overall picture of the human condition in the pertinent writings and concludes that Pelagius, rather than Augustine, stood in continuity with the bulk of biblical tradition.
Risto Saarinen
Ihmisten kohtaamisen teologiaa

Encountering Other Human Beings as a Theological Topic — This article argues that the theological side of inter-human encounter can be richly understood from three perspectives: 1) communication, 2) exchange of gifts and hospitality, 3) love. While many earlier accounts of such encounter rely on personalist pre-conditions (e.g. Buber), this new account emphasizes concrete inter-human actions, in particular giving and receiving material and immaterial goods and favors. The article also contains a brief elaboration of the concept of ‘thirdness’.
Ilse Paakkinen
Koskemattomuus ihmisoikeutena: Länsimaisen ja intialaisen koskemattomuuskäsitteen vertailua

Untouchability as a Human Right: Comparing the Concept of Untouchability in the West and in India — The ideological basis for human rights emerged in the late Middle Ages, for example, from the voluntarist theory emphasizing the individual and free will. According to the individualist perspective, the most fundamental right of an individual is the right to live; it follows from this that a human being is his own master and free from oppression. All modern human rights are derived from the natural rights of the individual on this basis. However, the implementation of human rights varies greatly around the world, particularly beyond the West. In this article, I discuss the ideological history of human rights and the ideological reasons for the non-implementation of human rights in India, where the caste system even today dictates the course of people’s lives.
Matti Repo
Oppi ja ykseys: Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon ekumeeninen linja

Doctrine and Unity: The Ecumenical Policy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland — This essay surveys the ecumenical decisions taken by the ELCF between 1936 and 2002. Of particular interest are the disapproval of the Leuenberg Agreement and adoption of the Porvoo Declaration. The ELCF has developed a consistent line of argumentation with emphasis on the doctrines of justification, sacraments and ministry. Together with the concept of unity in each agreement, they form the key elements in her ecumenical policy.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Juhani Huttunen
Vastine Paavo Kettuselle


  • Ari Savuoja. Mikä on ihme ja mitä ihmeistä voidaan tietää? Keskustelu ihmeistä uusimmassa englanninkielisessä uskonnonfilosofiassa (Leo Näreaho)
  • Atso Eerikäinen. Ikuisuudesta aikaan: todellisuuden dimensionaalinen visio (Leo Näreaho)
  • Juha Räikkä. Yksityisyyden filosofia (Leo Näreaho)
  • Antti Raunio. Järki, usko ja lähimmäisen hyvä: Tutkimus luterilaisen etiikan ja diakonian perusteista (Risto Saarinen)
  • Jari Jolkkonen, Kari Kopperi,  Simo Peura & Antti Raunio (ed.) Unitas Visibilis: Studia oecumenica in honorem Eero Huovinen episcopi Helsingiensis (Juha Pihkala)
  • Jones, Stanton L. & Yarhouse, Mark A. Ex-Gays? A Longitudional Study of Religiously Mediated Change in Sexual Orientation (Katrina Lumikallio)
  • Aleksandr Radištšev. Matka Pietarista Moskovaan (Esko M. Laine)
  • Gunnar Samuelsson & Tobias Hägerland (red.) Så som det har berättats för oss: Om bibel, gudstjänst och tro (Kari Syreeni)


Syyslukukaudella 2007 hyväksytyt teologian opinnäytetyöt
