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Kim Östman
Saako enää kutsua ”mormoniksi”? Tuttuuden ja todellisen identiteetin tasapainoilu

Is “Mormon” Still Acceptable? Striking a Balance between Familiarity and Identity — Members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are known more commonly as “Mormons,” their church as “the Mormon Church,” and their faith system as “Mormonism.” This article discusses the origins of and hitherto long-term symbiosis between the popular name and the church’s official name, the former having originated from a place of familiarity and the latter having been formed to communicate the believers’ identity. Following what the church president announced as divine revelation, however, the church has begun distancing itself from most uses of the popular term “Mormon” in favor of emphasizing its self-identity as a pure Christian tradition and hopes that outsiders will also adopt this referential change.
Isto Peltomäki
Paternalismista terapeuttiseen kohtaamiseen: Irja Kilpeläisen sielunhoitokäsitys ja sen merkitys suomalaisessa luterilaisuudessa

From Paternalism to Therapeutic Pastoral Care: Irja Kilpeläinen’s Understanding of Pastoral Care and Its Importance for Finnish Lutheranism — The pastoral care method of Irja Kilpeläinen (1911–1999) has profoundly influenced pastoral practice and theory within the Evangelical Church of Finland. The method is drawn from Clinical Pastoral Education, developed in the early 20th century in the USA, and is therapeutic in nature: the task of such pastoral care is to offer sincere help that is carried out through non-directive counseling. The turn of pastoral care towards therapeutic methods constituted a radical change away from the previous normative and paternalistic understanding of pastoral care. While Kilpeläinen offered a then-acceptable theological basis for therapeutic approach, current pastoral psychological interpretation is theologically problematic. This article will explore how the spiritual task of the church can be fulfilled in therapeutic pastoral care, a question which has yet to be fully explored.
Auli Vähäkangas
Muistelun rituaalit rekonstruoivat kiintymyssuhdetta kuolleeseen: Douglas Daviesin näkemys surusta

Rituals of Remembrance: Douglas Davies’s Dividual Model of Grief — This article discusses Douglas Davies’s model of grief, which he terms the dividual theory of grief. The concept of dividuality has been used in research on various traditional Asian societies to mark a distinction from the individual nature of a person. That is, dividuality comprises both intra­personal identity processes and external aspects of grief (e.g., continuing bonds). The aim of this article is to analyze Davies’s dividual theory, to map the cultural and theoretical backgrounds of the concept, and to evaluate what the perspective of dividuality can contribute to research on grief.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Jukka Hautala
Teologisia huomioita perustevaliokunnan avioliittoaloitetta koskevaan mietintöön

Paavo Kettunen
Ihanteista todellisuuden kohtaamiseen

Sanna Urvas
Olli-Pekka Vainio
Teologiaa globaalista vinkkelistä: Veli-Matti Kärkkäisen dogmatiikan tarkastelua

Voitto Huotari
Mitä kansankirkon jälkeen?


  • Amos Oz. Juudas (Timo R. Stewart)
  • Martti Nissinen. Ancient Prophecy: Near Eastern, Biblical, and Greek Perspectives (Antti Laato)
  • Raine Haikarainen. Mystinen Maestro: Seppo A. Teinosen pitkä pyhiin­vaellus (Virpi Mäkinen)
  • Panu Pihkala. Päin helvettiä? Ympäristöahdistus ja toivo (Atte Hokkanen)
  • Olli-Pekka Vainio. Cosmology in Theological Perspective: Understanding Our Place in the Universe (Juuso Loikkanen)
  • Simo Heininen. Mikael Agricola: Hans liv och verk (Seppo Sipilä)
  • Sari Kivistö & Sami Pihlström. Sivistyksen puolustus: Miksi akateemista elämää tarvitaan? (Karoliina Nikula)
Vuonna 2018 hyväksytyt teologian opinnäytetyöt
