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Mikko Ketola
Tarton Luther-akatemia saksalaisena etuvartiona idässä 1930-luvulla

The Luther Academy in Tartu as a German Outpost in the East — The private Baltic German Luther Academy established in Tartu in 1931 strained ethnic relations between Estonians and Baltic Germans in the 1930s. Its goal was to provide supplementary German theological education to Baltic Germans studying at the Faculty of Theology where lectures were held in Estonian. However, it also had certain nationalistic and ideological goals which irritated the Estonians. Very few Germans from Estonia studied at the Academy, the majority of the students coming from Germany instead. The Academy was discontinued after the start of the Second World War.
Katja Kujanpää
Eloisuudesta etäännyttämiseen: Lainaukset retorisina keinoina Paavalin argumentaatiossa

Vividness, Distance and Solidarity: Quotations as Rhetorical Devices in Paul’s Argumentation — The many scriptural quotations in Paul’s letter to the Romans have various argumentative functions. However, in scholarly discussion Paul’s diverse ways of using quotations beyond the category of proof have not gained the attention they deserve. The article examines how modern linguistic theories on quotations can shed light on Paul’s quotations. The theories are illustrated with textual examples from Rom 9–11. The Demonstration Theory of Herbert Clark and Richard Gerrig deals with the functions a quotation may perform, and Meir Sternberg inspects what happens to a quotation when it is removed from its original context and inserted into a new one. The final part of the article discusses the application and relevance of these approaches for New Testament studies.
Sari Dhima
Sakraalin heijastumia Aarno Ruusuvuoren ja Juha Leiviskän kirkoissa

Reflections of the Sacred in the Churches of Ruusuvuori and Leiviskä — The article discusses sacred architectural design by examining four churches by two architects, Aarno Ruusuvuori (1925–1992) and Juha Leiviskä (b. 1936). Both have won several design competitions for churches and made a significant contribution to modern ecclesiastical architecture in Finland. Ruusuvuori and Leiviskä have also been recognised internationally, but for the purposes of this article they were chosen as case studies because of their architectural style. The article discusses the architectural properties of Ruusuvuori’s and Leiviskä’s churches and their relationship to sacrality. In the churches analysed, the sacred nature of the building is subtly created in different ways through material choices, room divisions and lighting solutions.
Mikael Lindfelt
Att leva med världen som Guds: Idrottens fenomenologiska lekfullhet som resurs för teologins verklighet

To See the World as God’s World: The Phenomenological Playfulness of Sport as a Resource for the Theological Reality — In this article I address issues pertaining to philosophy of sport, but with a specific aim of creating a distinct theological-constructive perspective. The argument put forward is that a sports phenomenological perspective can be understood as a resource to represent and underline practice-driven creativity as a central theological dimension. The main line of argument features the idea of a theological-liturgical view as a practice that contributes to the ability of seeing the world as God’s world. By interrelating concepts such as play, observation, practice and created reality, I point towards the need of using playfulness as a resource for understanding the world as God’s world.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Olli-Pekka Vainio
Aku Visala
C. S. Lewis ja Elisabeth Anscombe Oxfordin Sokraattisella Klubilla 1948

Esko M. Laine
Ida sekä Mylläri ja risti: Kaksi lyhyttä mutta väkevää puolalaista elokuvaa uskonnosta

Heikki Räisänen
Vaikeudet luetun ymmärtämisessä jatkuvat

