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Mira Karjalainen
Rahat ja henki: Uskonnon ja talouden yhteenkietoutuminen yritysmaailman johtajien puheessa

Money and Spirit: Discourses on Religion and Capital in the Language of the Leaders of Finnish Economic, Spiritual, and Cultural Life — This article explores the two prevalent discourses that emerge from the interview material (N 21) conducted with the leaders of the Finnish economy, the Finnish Orthodox Church, and Finnish culture as a whole. These discourses reflect the trends of post-secularization and the pluralization of the religious field. The first, entitled “First Money, then Spirit,” is one in which economic discourse overruns religious discourse, with leaders casting religion in consumerist terms. The second, entitled “Warm Othering,” is one that constructs orthodox religion as a positive, exotic belief that can be taken up without making any serious commitments, reflecting individualistic, eclectic, and noncommittal new spiritualities.
Joonas Riikonen
Häpeä teologisena ja kristillistä ihmiskäsitystä koskevana kysymyksenä: Näkökulmia häpeäkäsitteen systemaattisteologisiin lähtökohtiin

Shame as a Systematic-Theological and a Christian Anthropological Question — Shame has, since the 1980s, been a major topic in research in psychology and pastoral psychology. The latter in particular has probed how the modern understanding of shame relates to Christian doctrines and theological anthropology. The purpose of this article is to examine the premises of and possibilities for a systematic-theological approach to shame by analyzing fundamental theological questions, including the doctrine of creation and the concept of sin, through three works by leading theologians on the issue of shame. The thesis of this article is that shame poses a major challenge to the dogmatic tradition of Western Christianity, as the role of shame in Christian doctrine and anthropology has thus far not been systematically studied. Specifically, a systematic-theological analysis of shame require first a thorough understanding of shame on the basis of the psychodynamic and relational nature of the human being.
Eetu Kejonen
Kyrka, väckelserörelse och HLBTQ-identitet: Två berättelser

Criticisms of the Church by LGBTQ Individuals: Two Stories — Questions related to LGBTQ individuals have recently been prominent in the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Finland, though the voices of LGBTQ Christians themselves have often been dismissed. In this article, the lived experiences of Finnish LGBTQ Christians with connections to Finnish Pietism are analyzed using autobiographic letter material. In these narratives, the Church is criticized for its insensitiveness towards LGBTQ individuals, and questions are often raised about the legitimacy of LGBTQ church membership. These narratives are analyzed using church sociology, previous studies on revivalist movements and LGBTQ Christians, and queer perspectives.
Heidi Jokinen
Feministisk teoribildning som resurs för restorativ rättvisa

Feminist Theory as a Resource for Restorative Justice Theory — Feminist theory and restorative justice seem opposed to one another: compared to conventional judicial conflict resolution, restorative conflict resolution presents an insufficient and dubious result for feminists, especially in cases of domestic violence. The practice has thus evoked strong opposition from feminist scholars. However, I argue in this article that feminist theory can in fact contribute to restorative justice theory and that the two have much in common. Both approaches have had difficulties being taken seriously and both have fought for credibility. I thus posit that an understanding of feminist theory can contribute to a deeper understanding of restorative justice, even in cases of domestic violence.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Auli Vähäkangas
Suvi-Maria Saarelainen
Aura Nortomaa
Katsaus kohtaamisen teologiaan ja teologeihin kohtaamisen ammattilaisina

Anna-Maija Pietilä-Ventelä
Carta marinan raamatunlauseet


  • Simo Heininen. Suomalaisen lähetystyön kriisi: Martti Rautasen kirjeet Carl Hugo Hahnille 1888–1895 (Essi Huuhka)
  • Peter C. Phan. Asian Christianities: History, Theology, Practice (Jukka Helle)
  • Frédéric Martel. In the Closet of the Vatican: Power, Homosexuality, Hypocrisy (Vesa Hirvonen)
  • Ibrahim Alsabagh. Letters from Aleppo: Chronicles of War and Hope (Svante Lundgren)
  • Ziad Hilal & François-Xavier Maigre. Homs, l’espérance obstinée (Svante Lundgren)
  • Pekka Särkiö. Salomon salaisuus: Pohdintoja peitetystä Salomon kritiikistä Vanhassa testamentissa (Marko Marttila)
  • Ilaria Ramelli & Judith Perkins (ed.). Early Christian and Jewish Narrative: The Role of Religion in Shaping Narrative Forms (Petri Tikka)
  • Richard Price. The Acts of the Second Council of Nicaea (787) (Jelisei Heikkilä)
  • Maijastina Kahlos & Heikki J. Koskinen & Ritva Palmén (ed.). Recognition and Religion: Contemporary and Historical Perspectives (Isto Peltomäki)
  • Yujin Nagasawa. Maximal God: A New Defense of Perfect Being Theism (Olli-Pekka Vainio)
  • William Lane Craig. God and Abstract Objects: The Coherence of Theism: Aseity (Dan-Johan Eklund)
  • Michael C. Rea. The Hiddenness of God (Lari Launonen,)
  • Timo Totro. Jumala prosessissa? Mielen mallit poikkitieteellisessä vuoropuhelussa: Tapaustutkimus Matti Hyrckin ajattelusta (Teemu Ratinen)
  • Martti Häikiö. Suomen leijona: Svinhufvud itsenäisyysmiehenä (Samuli Suolanen)