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Seppo Häkkinen
Aika vaieta ja aika puhua: Kirkon työntekijän vaitiolovelvollisuuden ja ilmoitusvelvollisuuden jännite

A Time to be Silent and a Time to Speak: A Church Employee’s Conflict between Confidentiality and Duty to Report — The article discusses the relationship of the duty to report enacted in the Child Welfare Act which entered into force at the beginning of 2008 and the confidentiality provisions that apply in the work of church employees. Specific focus is on the confidentiality of confession made to and spiritual care provided by priests and lectors as related to the duty to report, and on the criticism voiced against the confidentiality of confession. The new Child Welfare Act clarifies and specifies the duty to report. There is no conflict between the Church Act and the Child Welfare Act regarding the duty to report and confidentiality. The confidentiality of confession of priests and lectors is absolute and unconditional.
Matti Myllykoski
Alkibiades ja Elkhasain kirja

Alcibiades and the Book of Elchasai — The Book of Elchasai is known to western Christianity through the preaching of Alcibiades, who travelled from Syria to Rome in the early 3rd century. Alcibiades invoked the Book of Elchasai in attempting to invite Christians and other residents of Rome to receive a new ritual of baptism for the forgiveness of even the heaviest of sins. Hippolytus, who was in favour of strict ecclesiastical discipline, attacked this approach and used it as leverage in a power struggle within the Roman Christian community. By comparison with other sources, certain features in the preaching of Alcibiades that go back to the Book of Elchasai can be identified.
Tomi Karttunen
Tarpeellista ja mahdollista? Suomen evankelis-luterilainen kirkko ja Euroopan protestanttisten kirkkojen yhteisön jäsenyys

Useful and Possible? The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland and Membership of the CPCE — The article asks whether the arguments of the synod of the ELCF regarding the critique of the Leuenberg Concord of 1977 are still valid. The conclusion is that the method of the Concord, its confessional status, the distinction be-tween foundation and shape, the doctrine of the Eucharist and the interpretation of church fellowship still remain problematic. The ELCF attempted to circumvent these difficulties in the theological preamble to the agreement with the Evangelical Church of Germany (2002).
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Petri Järveläinen
Sukupuolikeskustelun aatehistoriallinen ja käsitteellinen tausta

Liisa Keltikangas-Järvinen
Psykologian näkökulma Piispojen teokseen Rakkauden lahja

Vesa Hirvonen
Homoseksuaalisuus piispojen Rakkauden lahja -puheenvuorossa

Risto Saarinen
Suvaitsevaisuus, outous ja queer-teologia


  • Laura Engelstein. Castration and the Heavenly Kingdom: A Russian Folktale (Esko M. Laine)
  • Martti Nissinen & Risto Uro (toim.) Sacred Marriages: The Divine-Human Sexual Metaphor from Sumer to Early Christianity (Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila)
  • Jouko Martikainen (toim.) Afrahat Persialainen Viisas: Uskon monet värit (Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila)
  • Bengt Klemets. Med Bilden i centrum: De svenska tv-gudstjänsterna i Finland 1962–2006 (Heikki-Tapio Nieminen)
  • Jani Alatalo. Kohti avoimuutta: Vanhoillislestadiolaisuuden käsittely julkisuudessa ja vanhoillislestadiolaisten suhtautuminen julkisuuteen Suomessa vuosina 1976–1984 (Jouko Talonen)
  • Friedrich V. Reiterer. ”Alle Weisheit stammt vom Herrn…”: Gesammelte Studien zu Ben Sira (Marko Marttila)


Kevätlukukaudella 2009 hyväksytyt teologian opinnäytetyöt
