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Pekka Lund
Lähetystyöntekijät, tilanteet ja rakenteet

Missionaries, Situations and Structures — The fact that the missionary work of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Mission in China in the early 20th century grew too quickly was not due to the missionaries themselves or the theology of the organization, but to the circumstances: Christian missionary work enjoyed a privileged position and was very attractive to the Chinese, which was seen as a justification for rapid expansion. This case study serves as a reminder that missionary work, or theology in general, should not be explained through the characteristics of individual, but instead or in addition by focusing on circumstances and structures the impact of which is difficult – though not impossible – for individuals to oppose.
Kari Miettinen
Suomalaiset lähetystyöntekijät kulttuurien portinvartijoina Afrikassa

Finnish Missionaries as Cultural Gatekeepers in Africa — This article discusses the attitudes of Finnish missionaries in the early 20th century towards allowing indigenous African and modern European cultural elements as parts of African Christianity. Missionaries viewed both of these fairly negatively. Most African customs were seen as closely linked with indigenous religion, and thus allowing them would have led to a syncretistic religion; European culture, on the other hand, was seen as detrimental to true Christianity because it was too secular and materialistic.
David J. A. Clines
Historical Criticism: Are its Days Numbered?

Historical Criticism: Are Its Days Numbered? — The article presents a critique of historical criticism (i.e. the critical use of data to reconstruct the past, and the critical analysis of the biblical text from a historical perspective), the dominance of which has decreased because of the ascent of other forms of criticism in the field of biblical studies. The article surveys the methodological agenda of today, grouping the current methods of biblical studies under the headings of literary criticism, structuralism and ideological criticism.
Martti Nissinen
Historiallinen raamatuntutkimus ja kriittinen historiantutkimus

Historical Criticism and Critical Historicism — Historical criticism, while no longer considered the academic approach to the Bible, has not lost its attraction as one of the principal ways of investigating the biblical text. However, the traditional self-image of historical criticism as an objective and disinterested scholarly pursuit has been not only challenged but also largely abandoned by historical critical scholars who acknowledge the contingent nature of historical knowledge. The article discusses why historical criticism can be still regarded as necessary and outlines a program of ”critical historicism” under the following four topics: history is relatedness; history is a construction; history is interpretation; historical factuality exists.
Risto Jukko
Nicolaus Cusanus uskonnollisten erilaisuuksien yhteensovittelijana

Nicolaus Cusanus as a Conciliator of Religious Differences — The article discusses one of the most important and original thinkers of the late Middle Ages, Nicolaus Cusanus (1401–1464), in his capacity as a conciliator of religious differences. He was at once a philosopher, a theologian, a cardinal, a bishop, a statesman, a mathematician, a natural scientist and a humanist. He made both intellectual and practical efforts to reconcile differences both within the Christian faith and in inter-faith dialogue. His conception of tolerance between religions, set forth in his book De pace fidei, is based above all on an underlying belief in God, which he gives a Neo-Platonic tint. Cusanus may be regarded as a pioneer and foundation-layer of modern ecumenic thinking and inter-faith dialogue.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Björn Vikström
På väg mot en ekoteologisk hermeneutik

Pentti Lempiäinen
Viron kirkolliset kirjat uudistuvat

Johanna Politi
Ennaltaehkäisevä vaikeneminen

Rope Kojonen
Jaakko Sorri
Kansanomaista biokemiaa ja luomisuskoa, osa 2


  • Bengt Sundkler & Christopher Steed. A History of The Church in Africa (Simo Heininen)
  • Marja Liisa Swantz. Beyond the Forestline: The Life and Letters of Bengt Sundkler (Simo Heininen)
  • Tuomas Martikainen, Tuula Sakaranaho & Marko Juntunen (toim.) Islam Suomessa: Muslimit arjessa, mediassa ja yhteiskunnassa (Mika Vähäkangas)
  • Pentti Lempiäinen. Muistakaa menneitä päiviä (Jyrki Knuutila)
  • Jutta Jokiranta (toim.) Aarre saviastioissa: Qumranin tekstit avautuvat (Katri Antin)
  • Sirkku Piispanen. Kansanomainen moraali: Tutkimus savolaisista ja pohjalaisista uskomustarinoista (Pekka Hakamies)
  • Kaisa Kauranen (toim.) Työtä ja rakkautta: Kansanmiesten päiväkirjoja 1834–1937 (Esko M. Laine)
  • Raimo Pullat (toim.) Die Privatbibliotheken in Tallinn und Pärnu im 18. Jahrhundert (Tuija Laine)
  • Neil R. Leroix. Martin Luther as Comforter: Writings on Death (Jussi Koivisto)
  • Karl-Gustav Sandelin. Sophia och hennes värld: Exegetiska uppsatser från fyra årtionden (Matti Myllykoski)
  • Ståle Johannes Kristiansen & Svein Rise (red.) Moderne teologi: Tradisjon og nytenkning hos det 20. århundrets teologer (Tuija Numminen)
  • Pekka Tapaninen. ”Lestatiuksen oppiin” seuraajia: Kalle Päätalon kirjojen lestadiolaiset ynnä muita kirjoituksia (Jouko Talonen)

