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Samuel Pufendorfin käsitys ihmisen luonnollisesta tilasta

Samuel Pufendorf’s Conception of the Natural State of Humankind — Samuel Pufendorf (1632–1694) was in his lifetime the most popular moral and social philosopher in Europe, as witness the several printings and translations of his works. In his natural law theory, the concept of a natural state (status naturalis) is connected with his idea of the key duty under natural law, that of promoting peaceable sociality (socialitas). Pufendorf used the concept of status naturalis in a more complex sense than just as the antithesis to a synthetic political state. The natural state was for him a hypothetical theoretical mechanism that allowed him to justify that human beings have a duty to nurture society, explaining the emergence of states. On the other hand, he demonstrated a kind of empirism in his discussion of the history of limited natural states as the historical evolution of humankind. Pufendorf’s notion of the natural state of humankind established by God forms the basis for both his moral philosophy and his political theory.
Martti Muukkonen
”Olen päättänyt tehdä lopun kaikesta elollisesta” (Gen. 6:13): Geomytologinen näkökulma vedenpaisumukseen

“The end of all flesh is come before me” (Gen 6:13): A Geomythological Perspectiveon the Deluge — A new science, geomythology, sees various myths as descriptions of historical events or natural phenomena. Several explanations have been proposed for the biblical Deluge. The Several Floods Theory argues that stories tell about different, extraordinarily large floods. According to the Black Sea Deluge Theory, about 7,000 years ago the Black Sea was a lake smaller than today and below sea level, and it filled when the Mediterranean broke through the Bosporus. Impact theories explain the Deluge with the wet impact of a comet/asteroid. Possible candidates for craters consistent with this theory are Umm al-Binni in the marshland of southern Iraq and Burckle crater in the Indian Ocean southeast of Madagascar.
Sanna Lehtinen
Yhteisöpoliittinen vaikuttaminen EU:ssa: Euroopan kirkot ja Turkin EU-jäsenyys

Community Policy in the EU: European Churches and Turkey’s EU Membership —The article discusses how European churches are participating in what is a significant political decision for the identity and integration of Europe: the potential EU membership of Turkey. The discussion is based on a document and statement issued by the Conference of European Churches, and official and unofficial statements by various individual churches. Interviews augment the research material. The background material includes debates in the European Parliament between 1999 and 2003, and reports issued by the European Commission. The material was analysed using qualitative content analysis. Although Turkey’s proposed EU membership has been both supported and opposed on religious grounds in the European Parliament, the EU has not requested statements from churches on the matter. The Conference of European Churches has nevertheless issued a public statement. The research shows that there are differences in approach between churches. The Catholic Church takes a passive positive position to the accession of Turkey into the EU, while the opinions of Protestant churches echo the positions of their respective home countries, pursuant to the Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms. The Orthodox Church is in favour of Turkey’s EU membership. There are also differences between churches in the political lobbying they pursue. The Catholic Church employs international diplomacy, while the Protestants issue public statements and the Orthodox Church lobbies key EU decision-makers directly. The findings show that all European churches seek to influence political decisions in one way or another. On the whole it is not European churches that see the Muslim majority Turkey as a threat, but rather the secular political elite.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Gunnar Heiene
Aila Lauha ja pohjoismaiset kansankirkot – Aila Lauha and the Nordic Folk Churches

Jenni Spännäri
Ikkuna ihmissieluun vai katsojansa kuvastin? Uskonnollisten tekstien mahdollisuudet ja haasteet tutkimusaineistoina

Eero Huovinen
Eroista ykseyteen: Strasbourgin ekumeeninen instituutti ja luterilais-katolinen ykseyskomissio

Jouko Sihvo
Mihin kirkossa olisi nyt suuntauduttava?

Pentti Laasonen
Katolisuuden loppu?

Erik Vikström
Den diakonala tjänsten


  • Teemu Kakkuri. Evankelinen liike kirkossa ja yhteiskunnassa 1944–1963: Aktiivinen uudistusliike ja konservatiivinen sopeutuja (Kyllikki Tiensuu)
  • Sami Pihlström. Uskonto ja elämän merkitys: Näkökulmia uskonnonfilosofiaan (Johannes Hakuli)
  • Gustav Björkstrand. Maria Åkerblom: Elämän ja kuoleman lähettiläs (Esko M. Laine)
  • Jane Shaw. Octavia, Daughter of God: The Story of a Female Messiah and her Followers (Esko M. Laine)
  • Matthias Haudel Die Selbsterschliessung des dreieinigen Gottes: Grundlage eines Ökumenischen Offenbarungs-, Gottes- und Kirchenverständnisses (Risto Saarinen)
  • Heather Pringle. Himmlerin suuri suunnitelma: Arjalaisen herrakansan etsintä (Tuija Laine)
  • Naziści spisek okultystów (Tuija Laine)
  • Liisa Väisänen & Juha Luodeslampi Uskosta taiteeseen (Samuli Suolanen)
  • Pasi Jaakkola Topeliaaninen usko: Kirjailija Sakari Topelius uskontokasvattajana (Juha Meriläinen)
  • Leo Näreaho Tiede, uskonto ja tietoisuus: Filosofista rajankäyntiä (Rope Kojonen)
  • Gerhard Müller & Alii (Hrsg.) Theologische Realenzyklop.die Bd. 35–36 (Kalevi Toiviainen)
  • Jukka Palola Vanhurskautta vai oikeutta? צדק sdq -sanueen semantiikka ja kääntäminen vuoden 1992 Kirkkoraamatun Psalmien kirjassa (Tapani Harviainen)