Outi Lehtipuu
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Helena Kupari
Käännynnäisistä seurakuntalaisiksi: Retorinen analyysi kirkkoon liittyneiden asemaa käsittelevistä kirjoituksista kahdessa ortodoksilehdessä
From Converts to Members: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Discussion concerning the Status of New Adult Members in the Orthodox Community in Two Orthodox Periodicals —
The relationship between people who have been baptized into the Finnish Orthodox Church as children and those who have become members as adults has sometimes been described as strained. In this article, I analyze how this relationship is depicted in articles published in two Finnish Orthodox periodicals between 1980 and 2019. Using rhetorical analysis, I identify four themes of central importance to this discussion: the connection between Orthodoxy and culture, the preservation of Orthodox tradition, the Great Commission, and Christian ethics. In the analysis, I also show how the debate surrounding the treatment of converts has dwindled down over time, as their presence in the community has become more common and accepted.
Mikko Punkki
Pekka Metso
Jäsenyyden ja osallistumisen merkitykset Suomen ortodoksisen kirkon 20–45-vuotiaitten passiivisten jäsenten keskuudessa
Membership and Participation among 20–45-year-old Inactive Members of the Orthodox Church of Finland — This article studies church membership and attitudes about and experiences of parish activities among 20–45-year-old inactive members of the Orthodox Church of Finland. The data (n = 74) are gathered through a survey conducted by internet and mail in 2018–2019. Analysis of the data indicates that, for ecclesiastically inactive members of the Finnish Orthodox Church between 20 and 45 years of age, the experience of intergenerational relationships through sacraments and services and the involvement of the church at important turning points of life (viz., birth, death, and marriage) are the main reason for maintaining church membership. Appreciation for church tradition and liturgy is also notably high among survey respondents. The main reasons for inactivity include obstacles created by family life, work, and hobbies, as well as feelings of loneliness and alienation experienced during ecclesiastical activities.
Seppo Sipilä
Vartiotornin valossa: Uuden maailman käännöksen periaatteet ja kieli
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Arvi Hurskainen
Tiedonhaku Raamatusta mullistuu
Voitto Huotari
Kohtaako homileettinen teologia todellisuutta?
Teuvo Laitila
Armenialaisten kansanmurha ja armenialaislasten kohtalot kolmen pohjoismaalaisen silmin
- Timo R. Stewart. Valter Juvelius ja kadonneen arkin metsästys (Mika Vähäkangas)
- Jonathan Adams & Cordelia Heß (eds.). Antisemitism in the North: History and State of Research (Evi Lemström)
- Pia Koivunen. Rauhanuskovaiset: Suomalaiset maailman nuorisofestivaaleilla (Rony Ojajärvi)
- Benedictus XVI. Kirkko ja moniarvoinen maailma: Neljä puhetta Saksassa vuosina 2005–2011 (Juha Ahosniemi)
- John Pittard. Disagreement, Deference and Religious Commitment (Olli-Pekka Vainio)
- Lori G. Beaman. The Transition of Religion to Culture in Law and Public Discourse (Anna Sofia Salonen)
- Jaakko Närvä & Jussi Sohlberg (toim.). Arvoituksia avaruudesta: Näkökulmia ufouskomuksiin (Vesa Nissinen)
- Peter Gemeinhart, Olga Lorgeoux & Maria Munkholt Christensen (eds.). Teachers in Late Antique Christianity (Anni Maria Laato)
- John Reeves & Annette Yoshiko Reed (eds.). Enoch from Antiquity to the Middle Ages, Volume I: Sources From Judaism, Christianity, and Islam (Antti Laato)
- Juha M. Itkonen. Surun virrassa: Läheisen menettäneen sielunhoito (Kalle Leppälä)