Outi Lehtipuu
Ruumiin ylösnousemus Nag Hammadin kirjoituksissa

The Resurrection of the Body in Nag Hammadi Writings — Resurrection of the body was one of the most hotly de-bated issues in the early days of Christianity. Various early Christian authors understood this focal tenet differently – and engaged in a fierce polemic against one another. The article takes a closer look at two early Christian texts found at Nag Hammadi, the Treatise on the Resurrection and the Gospel of Philip, and at their view on resurrection. Contrary to what is often expected of the Nag Hammadi writings, these two texts promote the idea of the resurrection of the flesh. Both authors, however, understand ”flesh” as something other than the earthly body. Both justify their view by leaning on Paul and the Gospels and defend their view as the only true Christian doctrine of the resurrection.
Olli-Pekka Vainio
Wentzel van Huyssteenin postfoundationalistinen teologia

The Post-foundational Theology of Wentzel van Huyssteen — In recent Anglo-American theological debate, one of the hot topics has been the evaluation of linguistic turn and its relevance for theological methodology. Wentzel van Hyussteen, one of the leading theorists, has developed a post-foundational method which tries to avoid both relativism and absolutism. Hyussteen’s proposal offers valuable material for interdisciplinary discussion, although it also leaves many central questions open for further development.
Risto Jukko
Kohti yhdistynyttä protestanttista kirkkoa: Luterilaisten ja reformoitujen kirkkojen suhteista Ranskassa

Towards a Unified Protestant Church: The Relationship between the Lutheran and Reformed Churches in France — Protestant Churches in France are seeing the most momentous event in their history since the Reformation: the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of France and the Reformed Church of France are seeking to merge as the ”United Protestant Church of France”, a process due to be completed in 2013. The two Churches have divergent histories in France, and the key difference between their doctrines is in the theology of the Eucharist; but there is much common ground. The basic document of this process is the Leuenberg Concord (1973), whose ecumenical model for reconciled differences is being applied to settle disputes that have been ongoing ever since the Reformation.
Paavo Kettunen
Máté Joób
Suomalainen ja unkarilainen rippi

Confession in Finland and in Hungary — The article discusses the experiences of Finns and Hungarians in confession. It is based on studies published by the authors in Finland and Hungary in 1998 and 2006, respectively, and a comparison between the two. The source material in both consists of personal experiences of confession, received from respondents as the result of announcements published in newspapers. The fact that the Hungarian study is based on the Finnish one makes them easy to compare. A complicating factor is that the religious and social situations in the two countries were different at the times when the studies were conducted. This is explored in the article for conclusions about how different religious and social situations affect the practice of confession.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Tuija Hovi
Suomalainen uuskarismaattisuus


  • Yrjö Tala. Kirkon vai valtion kirjat? Uskontokuntasidonnaisuuden ongelma Suomen väestökirjanpidossa 1839–1904
  • Tomas Nygren. Lag och evangelium som tal om Gud: En analys av synen på lag och evangelium hos några nutida lutherska teologer: Pannenberg, Wingren och Scaer (Leif Erikson)
  • Pekka Niiranen. Martti Simojoki – kirkon ääni (Voitto Huotari)
  • Leena Nissinen. Auttamisen rajoilla: Myötätuntouupumisen synty ja ehkäisy (Simo Ylikarjula)
  • Rakkauden lahja: Piispojen puheenvuoro perheestä, avioliitosta ja seksuaalisuudesta (Osmo Kontula)
  • Ismo Dunderberg. Beyond Gnosticism: Myth, Lifestyle, and Society in the School of Valentinus (Ulla Tervahauta)
  • Sarah J. K. Pearce. The Land of the Body: Studies in Philo’s Representation of Egypt (Sami Yli-Karjanmaa)
  • Jorma Ojala. Lars Levi Laestadius: Tiedemies ja pappi (Jouko Talonen)
  • Schantz, Mark S. Awaiting the Heavenly Country: The Civil War and America’s Culture of Death (Esko M. Laine)


Syyslukukaudella 2008 hyväksytyt teologian opinnäytteet
