Timo Koistinen
Uskonnon ymmärtämisestä ja kritiikistä: Wittgenstein ja predestinaatio-oppi

Understanding and Criticism of Religion: Wittgenstein and the Predestination Doctrine — The article discusses notes on the predestination doctrine made by Wittgenstein in his Vermischte Bemerkungen. The underlying issue is how the limits and potential of philosophical religious criticism should be understood in the light of Wittgenstein’s descriptive conception of philosophy. On the one hand, he seems to consider the doctrine irrational and morally unacceptable. On the other hand, he implies that understanding the doctrine correctly depends on personal experiences of a particular kind. The points that emerge cast light on certain essential features in how Wittgenstein approached the philosophy of religion.
Panu Pihkala
Joseph Sittler – luterilaisen ekoteologian pioneeri

Joseph Sittler – the Pioneering Lutheran Eco-Theologian — There has been a revival of interest worldwide in the thinking of the American professor of theology Joseph Sittler (1904–1988). Sittler dealt with ecological matters theologically as early as in the 1950s, but more important than his pioneer status is the quality of his work. Sittler is best known for his keynote adress at the WCC assembly in New Delhi (1961), where he opposed the separation of nature and grace in Western theology, but his entire output is now being re-read and republished. He is also well-known for his interest in literature and verbal eloquence.
Kim Östman
Kristillisen identiteetin ongelma varhaisen mormonismin aatemaailmassa

The Problem of Christian Identity in the Thought World of Early Mormonism — The question of whether Mormons are Christians is still frequently debated in various circles. While scholarly answers to it do not in themselves bring analytical value to the study of the Latter-day Saints’ religion, the present author suggests that much in terms of the construction of identity and boundaries can be learned by studying how the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and its members used to think of themselves and traditional Christians in terms of Christianness. By theologically identifying themselves as Christians in one sense and as not Christians in another, the early Latter-day Saints could both maintain their self-identity as the only modern representatives of true Christianity and distance themselves from what they saw as apostate Christendom.
Minna Salmi
Matteuksen seurakunnan sisäisiä ja ulkoisia jännitteitä: Eksegeettisen tiedon käyttö bibliodraamassa

Internal and External Tensions in the Congregation of Matthew: The Use of Exegetic Knowledge in Bibliodrama — Bibliodrama instructor Aino-Kaarina Mäkisalo and Professor Heikki Räisänen have developed a bibliodrama method where exegetic knowledge can be included in the drama process. The aim is to incorporate the Gospel birth process in the drama. The present article is based on the biblio-drama directed by Mäkisalo and Räisänen on the basis of the Gospel of St Matthew (Matt 11:25–30) at the Biblio-drama training and negotiation seminar in Järvenpää on September 10–12, 2004. The central dialogue was based on the views of the various factions in the congregation – the conservatives, the Paulians and the child-minded – and of the Jews in the synagogue concerning the – light yoke – which appears in the teachings of Jesus. In this article, bibliodrama is viewed against the theory of sociodrama created by Jacob Levy Moreno. A sociodrama is based on social and historical themes and requires the director to study the facts carefully. Likewise, a bibliodrama director needs expertise in historical Bible research when an exegetic interpretation is sought along with including the personal experiences of the participants.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Olli-Pekka Lassila
Luterilainen horisontti Tyynellämerellä

Jussi Koivisto
Yhtenäinen Raamattu

Jyri Komulainen
Vielä muutama sana postmodernista Raamatusta

Vesa Hirvonen
Näkökohtia rekisteröityjen parisuhteiden siunaamisesta


  • Matti Pikkarainen. Voiko sota olla oikeutettu? Kirkkojen maailmanneuvoston yleiskokousten kannanotot sotaan kriisien ratkaisuna (Jaakko Rusama)
  • Hanne Von Weissenberg. 4QMMT: The Problem of the Epilogue (Florentino García Martínez)
  • Gunnar af Hällström & Anni Maria Laato & Juha Pihkala. Johdatus varhaisen kirkon teologiaan (Pauli Annala)
  • Pirjo Markkola. Synti ja siveys: Naiset, uskonto ja sosiaalinen työ Suomessa 1860–1920 (Ilkka Huhta)
  • Pekka Virkamäki. Arka ja ahdas ismi (Minna Rikkinen)
  • Eero Junkkaala. Faktaa vai fiktiota? Mitä arkeologia kertoo Raamatun historiallisuudesta? (Merja Alanne & Kirsi Valkama)
  • Juhana Torkki. Puhevalta: Kuinka kuulijat vakuutetaan (Antti Mustakallio)
  • Raimo Savolainen. Sivistyksen voimalla: J. V. Snellmanin elämä (Eino Murtorinne)
  • Seppo Rissanen. Lähetyskirje (Piia Latvala)
  • Paul Hartog. Polycarp and the New Testament (Matti Myllykoski)
  • Johannes Michael Schnarrer. Komplexe Ethik 2: Politik und Globalisierung (Seppo Kjellberg)
  • John J. Collins. Introduction to the Hebrew Bible (Hanne von Weissenberg)
  • Manuel Vogel. Commentatio mortis: 2 Kor 5,1–10 auf dem Hintergrund antiker ars moriendi (Fredrik Lindgård)
  • Mamy Raharimanantsoa. Mort et espérance selon la Bible Hébraïque (Marko Marttila)
  • Heerak Christian Kim. Jewish Law and Identity: Academic Essays (Anni Pesonen)

