Juha Pakkala
Katri Saarelainen
Kirsi Valkama
Stefan Münger
Jürgen Zangenberg
Kinneretin kaivaukset vuonna 2007

The Kinneret Excavations in 2007 — The ancient city of Kinneret in northern Israel has been the subject of excavation since 1980. This article presents the major results of 2007, which concluded the excavations in the lower town. The excavations focused on early Iron Age settlement in Kinneret, everyday items and figurines. The new excavations yielded important information about the city and its cultural relations with other sites in the area. Kinneret was a large and well-planned regional centre in the early Iron Age, and due to its destruction by an earthquake its material remains were well preserved.
Risto Jukko
Nostra aetate – roomalaiskatolisen kirkon uskontoteologian perusasiakirja

Nostra aetate – The Charter of the Theology of Religions of the Roman Catholic Church — At the fourth and final session of the Second Vatican Council (1962–1965), Pope Paul VI approved the brief declaration entitled Nostra aetate concerning the relationship of the Church to non-Christian religions. It had been redrafted several times before it was finally accepted by vote. This document represents a turn from exclusivism to inclusivism in the theology of religions of the Roman Catholic Church, and subsequent Popes (Paul VI, John Paul II and Benedict XVI) and the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue have drawn upon it when issuing opinions on religions and interreligious dialogue.
Miikka Anttila
Merkityksen täyteys: Transsendenssi Eero Tarastin eksistentiaalisemiotiikassa

The Fullness of Meaning: Transcendence according to the Existential Semiotics of Eero Tarasti — Renowned Finnish semiotician Prof. Eero Tarasti (b. 1948) presents in his Existential Semiotics (2000) a theologically intriguing view of transcendence. The semiosis is modelled through two journeys of the subject between its Dasein and transcendence. In the first phase, the subject experiences the emptiness. That is what Sartre called le Néant. A traditional existentialist could stop there. But the journey continues to pleroma: the world is full of meaning. In this article, Tarasti’s theory is evaluated from a theological point of view. Existential semiotics turns out to lend itself to a theological approach very well. Moreover, semiotics in general could be very helpful for theologians.
Niko Huttunen
Raamattu historiassa: Reseptio- ja vaikutushistoriallinen eksegetiikka

The Bible in History: The Reception History and Effective History of the Bible — The reception history and effective history of the Bible is a branch of exegesis which has been largely neglected. Reception history examines how the Bible has been used and interpreted. In this, we may follow the ”three-world” model proposed by Kari Syreeni. Effective history is the study of how the intentions of the people who wrote the Bible have, through their texts, influenced its reception and thereby the course of history. This approach demonstrates that a pure Biblical ideal is impossible in hermeneutic terms.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Bernice Sundkvist
Praktisk teologi – vetenskap i samtal

Hannu Mustakallio
Kirkolliset ja uskonnolliset vaikuttajat Suomen kansallisbiografiassa

Tapio Luoma
Sanoja Pyhästä Kolminaisuudesta

Tarja-Liisa Luukkanen
Siili vai kettu: Kommentti Esko Laineen vastineeseen

Esko M. Laine
Tarja-Liisa Luukkaselle


  • Arto Seppänen. Tunnustus kirkon oikeutena (Heikki Pihlajamäki)
  • Matti Väisänen. Vedestä vai Hengestä? Uuras Saarnivaaran kasteteologia (Eero Huovinen)
  • Elina Hella. Variation in the understanding of Lutheranism and its implications for religious education: meaning discernment of students and teachers in Finnish upper secondary schools (Bo Dahlin)
  • Mikael Lindefelt. Meningsskapande idrott: Livsåskådningsrelevanta perspektiv och empiriska kontraster (Erkki Vettenniemi)
  • Tom Holmén. Jeesus (Lars Aejmelaeus)
  • Meira Polliack (toim.) Karaite Judaism: A Guide to Its History and Literary Sources (Riikka Tuori)
  • Eric Gustaf Ehrström. Ylioppilaan sotapäiväkirja 1808 (Esko M. Laine)
  • Rainer Knapas & Johanna Wassholm (toim.) Hämeen sydänmailla: Matkapäiväkirja 1811 (Esko M. Laine)
  • Ulrik Josefsson. Liv och över nog: Den tidiga pingströrelsen spiritualitet (Esko M. Laine)

