Ilkka Pyysiäinen
Teologia, tiede ja sukupuoli

Theology, Science and Sex — Theological anthropology and the doctrine of creation are based on so-called folkbiology; they presuppose a clear distinction between the categories of male and female. To the extent that scientific biology helps revise our folk-biological notion of sex, it also challenges theology. I take the question of determining a transsexual’s sex as an example of the relevance of biological knowledge for theology. In scientific biology, males are those who have smaller gametes (sperm). Otherwise, there is great variation in the anatomical and behavioural traits of males and females in different species. If a minister should be a biological male, how should this malehood be determined?
Virpi Mäkinen
Heikki Pihlajamäki
Korkeimman mahdin rajat: Paavin valta oikeudellis-poliittisena kysymyksenä 1200–1300-luvuilla

The Limits of the Highest Power: Papal Power as a Legal and Political Question in the 13th and 14th Centuries — Both papal and imperial powers were strongly increasing in the 12th and 13th centuries. At the same time, Roman law had been given a new life in the universities of north-ern Italy, and academic law came to cover practically all sectors of social life. It is therefore understandable that le-gal arguments were used in power politics as well. Power discourse was, however, only weakly connected to Roman law, although canonists invoked authorities such as the Corpus iuris civilis in their arguments. The arguments used in political discussions were largely developed by late medieval canonists and philosophers in much the same way as they innovated in the fields of criminal and procedural law, for instance. These discussions of papal and imperial power were the embryonic form of Western constitutional discourse. The limitations of power developed by the medieval scholars remained valid into the modern era, and rationalist natural law mediated the medieval scholarly views down to this day. The same can be said about the democratic ideas developed by John of Paris and Marsilius of Padua, especially their notion of popular sovereignty.
Tarja-Liisa Luukkanen
Tulkinnallinen tarkoituksenmukaisuus 1800-luvun suomalaisen teologianhistorian hahmottamisen kriteerinä

A Nationalist Interpretation of 19th-century Finnish Theology — Among the academically educated Finns of the 19th century, theology students were pioneers in adopting Finnish, the vernacular, as their principal language and in promoting the pro-Finnish cause. Consequently, 20th-century Finnish historians invented a history of Finnish theology that focused on the winners, i.e. Finnish speakers. This Nationalist myth-building process ignored Swedish-speaking 19th-century theological modernizers such as Bengt Olof Lille and Axel Adolf Laurell who brought the historical and philosophical study of religion to Finland.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Vesa Hirvonen
Puhtaan lain kirkko: Karl-Manfred Olssonin teologinen ohjelma Ruotsin kirkolle 1960-luvulla

Juha Pakkala
Uusia arkeologisia löytöjä Raamatun maista: Raamattu, arkeologia ja media

Esko M. Laine
Keskustelu evoluutiosta ja kreationismista

Tapio Puolimatka
Evoluutiokeskustelun käsitteellisiä epäselvyyksiä

Elisa Järnefelt
Selvennyksiä luomisuskomusten ja intuitiivisen ajattelun tutkimukseen: Vastine Rope Kojoselle ja Jaakko Sorrille

John Vikström
Kirkko ja yhteistyöstä kieltäytyvät papit: Mikä yhdistää, mikä erottaa?


  • Olli-Pekka Vainio. Luther (Kaarlo Arffman)
  • Juhani Holma. Sangen ialo Rucous: Schwenckfeldiläisten rukouskirja Mikael Agricolan lähteenä (Tuija Laine)
  • Kaija Santti. Sanankuulijasta sananjulistajaksi: Naisten asema Inkerin luterilaisissa maalaisseurakunnissa 1917–1939 (Pekka Nevalainen)
  • Torger A. Olsen. Kall, skapelserordning og makt: En analyse av kjøn i lyngenlæstadianismen (Jouko Talonen)
  • Roald E. Kristiansen. Preliminær matrikel over læestadianske predikanter i Norge 1850– 2000 (Jouko Talonen)
  • Jorma Laitinen. Syyllisyys (Paavo Kettunen)
  • Jarmo Kiilunen & Aarre Huhtala. (toim.) Urhea Judit, Viisas Sirak: Johdatus Vanhan testamentin apokryfikirjoihin (Christian Seppänen)
  • Esko Miettinen. Velhon Uskontunnustus: Raamattu ja fantasiakirjallisuus kohtaavat (Samuli Suolanen)
  • John Sanders (ed.) Atonement and Violence: A Theological Conversation (Kari Syreeni)
  • Dirk Richhardt.  Zwangsarbeit im Bereich von evangelischer Kirche und Diakonie in Hessen (Esko M. Laine)
  • Veli-Matti Kärkkäinen. Christology: A Global Introduction. An Ecumenical, International, and Contextual Perspective (Juha Pihkala)
  • Jukka Raunu. The Mediated Immediacy: João Batista Libanio and the Question of Latin American Liberation Theology (Timo Vasko)
  • Birgitta Kleinschwärzer-Meister. In allem auf Christus hin: Zur theologischen Funktion der Rechtfertigungslehre (Risto Saarinen)

