Susanna Asikainen
Miehekäs kuolema? Jeesuksen maskuliinisuus synoptisissa passiokertomuksissa

Manly Death? The Masculinity of Jesus in the Synoptic Passion Narratives — The article discusses the Synoptic Passion narratives with reference to the hegemonic ideals of masculinity in the ancient Greco-Roman world. From the perspective of self-assertive masculinity, the Synoptic Passion narratives do not manage to portray Jesus as masculine. In the Gospels of Mark and Matthew, the emotional behavior of Jesus in Gethsemane and his agonised last words on the cross call his masculinity into question also from the perspective of self-controlled masculinity. The Gospel of Luke comes closest in presenting Jesus according to the ideal of self-controlled masculinity, depicting Jesus as calm and composed throughout the Passion narrative. Nevertheless, the humiliation of crucifixion means that it is difficult to ascertain whether ancient readers would have considered Jesus masculine.
Teemu Ratinen
Voiko mies antautua Jumalalle? Maskuliinisuuden kriisi psykologisoituneessa kirkossa

Can a Man Surrender to God? Masculinity in Crisis in the Therapeutic Church — Two distinctive cultural processes, feminisation and psychologisation, have altered Finnish religious life and particularly the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Finland in the past few decades. This article focuses on the cultural construction of masculinity with reference to a changing religious ethos. Specifically, the article discusses the relationship between heterosexual masculinity and culturally imposed images of God. Autobiographical material and self-help texts suggest that heterosexual masculinity is at risk when God is comprehended, in accordance with the therapeutic ethos, as a cosmic and all-loving therapist.
Taina Kalliokoski
Kuka kantaa vastuun kouluampumisten pahasta?

Who Is Responsible for the Evil of School Shootings? — The two Finnish school shootings that occurred in Jokela 2007 and in Kauhajoki 2008 generated a huge public debate. This article analyses the discussions in the newspaper Helsingin Sanomat from a moral philosophical perspective, employing the concepts of action, good, evil and responsibility. In the data, the evil of school shootings is conceptualised as committed, experienced, structural and substantial. The public debate looked for accountability and discussed ways to prevent recurrences. The article argues that understanding school shootings as intentional actions and not as outcomes of societal or structural shortcomings increases the probability of preventing shootings in the future.
Jacob Dahlbacka
För Gud och fosterland Religiöst historiebruk i Anders Svedbergs historieskrivning

For God and Country: Religious Uses of History in the Historical Writings of Anders Svedberg — Analysing two history schoolbooks by Anders Svedberg (1832–1889), this article enters the relatively unexplored terrain of religious uses of history. While Svedberg’s first book demonstrates how God has guided Christians through history, thus urging his pupils to learn from the past, his second book attributes the rise of the Finnish nation to the gradual spread of Christianity, thus identifying Finns as God’s chosen people. In both cases, references to the Bible and to the history of the church are at the forefront. When applied in a religious “community of memory”, like the one at hand in Svedberg’s case, such a religious use of history intensifies the message being delivered.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Mika K. T. Pajunen
Björn Vikström
Admissio ja ehtoollisvieraanvaraisuus

Vesa Hirvonen
Näkökohtia luterilaisesta avioliittokäsityksestä

Esko Miettinen
Lisää Tylypahkan teologiaa


Raija Sollamo & Mika S. Pajunen (toim.). Kuolleenmeren kadonnut kansa: Qumranin kirjoituksia (Seppo Sipilä) | Christoph Heilig. Hidden Criticism? The Methodology and Plausibility of the Search for a Counter-Imperial Subtext in Paul (Niko Huttunen) | Bart D. Ehrman & Zlatko Pleše. The Other Gospels: Accounts of Jesus from Outside the New Testament (Vilja Alanko) | Christine C. Shepardson. Controlling Contested Places: Late Antique Antioch and the Spatial Politics of Religious Controversy (Andreas Westergren) | Renate Blumenfeld-Kosinski. The Strange Case of Ermine de Reims: A Medieval Woman Between Demons and Saints (Päivi Salmesvuori) | René Nyberg. Viimeinen juna Moskovaan (Vesa Hirvonen) | Augin Kurt Haninke. Patriark Shakers arvtagare: Om hur assyriska kyrko-ledare har skadat sitt folks identitet (Teuvo Laitila) | Richard Swinburne. Mind, Brain, and Free Will (Dan-Johan Eklund) | Roger S. Gottlieb. Spirituality: What It Is and Why It Matters (Siiri Toiviainen) | Jospeh P. Laycock. Dangerous Games: What the Moral Panic over Role-Playing Games Says about Play, Religion, and Imagined Worlds (Heidi Rautalahti)
