Hanna Salomäki
Kirkon työntekijät herätysliikkeiden kannattajina

Church Employees in Revival Movements — Membership of revival movements among people studying for jobs in the Church has decreased since the 1960s. This article discusses membership of revival movements among Church employees today and changes in support for revival movements in the 2000s in general. The article also explores revival movement backgrounds that Church employees may have had at home. The conclusion is that the percentage of Church employees who are members of revival movements has clearly decreased in the 2000s: three out of five employees were members in 2009, in most cases members of the Revivalist or Evangelical movements. Typically, Church employees may feel that their thinking has been influenced by the movements even if they do not feel themselves to be members. Movements where the commitment of members is typically shallow have at times lost members very rapidly.
Henrietta Grönlund
Anne Birgitta Pessi
Kirkon Ulkomaanapu hengellisenä ja kirkollisena toimijana kirkon ja yhteiskunnan kentillä

Finn Church Aid as a Spiritual and Ecclesiastical Actor in Church and Society — The roles of the international aid, diaconal work, and missionary work of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, as well as the roles of other church-related actors in these fields, have been much discussed in recent years. The present article concentrates on the views of salaried Church employees concerning international aid, aid organisations, and the relationship between missionary organisations and Finn Church Aid. More generally, the article explores the attitudes of Finns to international aid, Finn Church Aid and other aid organisations. The data for the article come from questionnaire replies from salaried Church employees, collected in 1999, 2004 and 2008. The findings indicate that Finns in general and Church employees in particular have great confidence in Finn Church Aid. Finally, the article discusses the roles of Finn Church Aid in multiple contexts in the Church and in society at large.
Tiina Huhtanen
Kolminaisuuden salaisuuden julistus: Walter Kasperin vastaus modernin ateismin haasteeseen

Confession of the Trinitarian God: Walter Kasper’s Response to the Challenge of Modern Atheism — In his apologetic theology, Walter Kasper pursues a dialogue between Christianity and modern secular society. For the dialogue to succeed, the participants must know who they are. In order to ensure this, Kasper first gives the historical outlines of modern atheism. Secondly, he explicates the Christian position in the dialogue. Since the Biblical notion of God is Trinitarian, he develops a Christian answer to the challenges of modern atheism from this Trinitarian perspective. Kasper’s main point can be summarized as follows: in opposition to the modern and horizontal concept of freedom, Christianity calls on people to enjoy freedom that is vertical and absolute
Mika Hynninen
Nina Pehkonen
Varhaiskristillisen lakikritiikin juuret: Hellenistit ja Paavalin apostolinuran alku lakiuskollisena Kristuksen julistajana

Paul and the Jerusalem Community before the Apostolic Council — Apostle Paul had a rather uneasy relationship with the Jerusalem community. The present article reviews this relationship from the perspective of rhetorical criticism. The letters of Paul come across as thoroughly one-sided in his relationship with the Jerusalem community, and the contradictory statements that he makes are examined here. The article offers a new reconstruction of the history behind the rhetorical texts.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Tuulia Toivanen
Uusi vasten vanhaa eli haasteena tottumuksen mahtava voima: Lassi Nummi ja Aarne Toivanen raamatunsuomennostradition äärellä

Rope Kojonen
Humen kritiikki suunnitteluargumentteja vastaan modernin keskustelun valossa

Raija Sollamo
Vanhan testamentin tutkijoiden kansainvälinen kongressi Helsingissä 1.–6.8.2010

Tuija Laine
Maailman kirjahistorioitsijat koolla Helsingissä 17.–20.8.2010

Timo Junkkaala
On todella kysymys enemmästä

Jouko Talonen
Pieni selvennys


  • Seppo Häkkinen. Ihanne ja todellisuus: Jäsenyyteen sitoutuminen Suomen evankelisluterilaisessa kirkossa 1960-luvulta 2000-luvulle (Juha Kauppinen)
  • Mikael Sundkvist. The Christian Laws in Paul: Reading the Apostle with Early Greek Interpreters (Kari Kuula)
  • Sofia Kotilainen. Suvun nimissä: Nimenannon käytännöt Sisä-Suomessa 1700-luvun alusta 1950-luvulle (Anuleena Kimanen)
  • Jörg Frey & Udo Schnelle & Julianne Schlegel (toim.) Kontexte des Johannes evangeliums: Das vierte Evangelium in religions- und traditionsgeschichtlicher Perspektive (Ismo Dunderberg)
  • Hannu Mustakallio. Pohjoinen hiippakunta: Kuopion–Oulun hiippakunnan historia 1850–1939 (Jouko Vahtola)
  • Johan Raattamaa. Brev och skrivelser (Jouko Talonen)
  • Erkki Antti Juhonpieti. Brev och skrivelser (Jouko Talonen)
  • Hannu Juntunen. Esivalta olemme me: Valtiosääntöoikeuden perusteiden oikeusteologinen tulkinta (Pekka Leino)
  • Ronald J. Sider. The Scandal of Evangelical Politics: Why Are Christians Missing the Chance to Really Change the World? (Markku Ruotsila)
  • Anders Jarlert (toim.) ”Bäste biskop!” Korrespondensen mellan drottning Victoria och biskop Gottfried Billing 1900–1924 (Esko M. Laine)
  • Miguel De Unamuno. Traaginen elämäntunto (Vesa Nuorva)
  • Mikhail Kizilov. The Karaites of Galicia: An Ethnoreligious Minority among the Ashkenazim, the Turks, and the Slavs, 1772–1945 (Riikka Tuori)

