Tommi Lehtonen
Kristillisen sovitusopin päätyypit

The Main Types of the Christian Doctrine of Atonement — This article presents a new classification system for the Christian doctrine of atonement called ”the houses of reconciliation”, whose categories are the courthouse, the shopping centre, the home, the hospital, the theatre and the church. These ’houses’ are used metaphorically to represent different ways of conceptualising reconciliation. Theological considerations of different versions of the doctrine of atonement tend to adopt a minimalist or maximalist tendency. The minimalist or reductionist tendency aims to choose one of the houses of reconciliation and to justify this choice. The maximalist or pluralistic tendency aims to occupy several houses.
Sanna Lehtinen
Uskonto ja uskonnollinen organisaatio projektiyhteistyössä: Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon seurakunta paikallisissa Euroopan Sosiaalirahaston projekteissa

Religion and Religious Organisation in Project Collaboration: A Finnish Evangelical-Lutheran Parish in Local Projects of the European Social Fund — The article discusses how religion manifests itself in project collaboration undertaken by an Evangelical-Lutheran parish. ESF project collaboration is religion-neutral local action governed by the EU. The research question is discussed through the dimensions of religion defined by Hinde: doctrinal, ritual, moral and social. The ritual and doctrinal dimensions of religion are marginal in project collaboration, representing individual choices that are irrelevant for the project as a whole. They do, however, offer an interface for traditional church practices from the parish point of view. By contrast, the moral and social dimensions are very important. Being less private, they enable the politicising and publicising of religion. Research findings indicate that a parish distinguishes itself from all other actors in project collaboration through its cultural capital, a tangible manifestation of religion. This cultural capital is the most valuable resource that a parish has in an increasingly multicultural and secular society.
Harri Meronen
Psalmi, johon Jeesus pukeutuu sisältäpäin: Paul Ricoeurin tulkinta psalmista 22

Insights into the Psalm Quoted by Jesus: Paul Ricoeur’s Interpretation of Psalm 22 — One of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century, Paul Ricoeur (1913–2005), made a significant contribution to Biblical and theological hermeneutics. This article presents an analysis of his interpretation of Psalm 22. Ricoeur explains why this psalm, and the Psalms in general, recur as a focus for prayer with extraordinary vigour. He also interprets the theological and ”theologoumenon” meanings of the psalm and explains what important roles these have in the cluster of theologies and the scriptures of the Old Testament, and also in the New Testament and in canonical reading of the Bible.
Katriina Järvenpää
Uskonnon rooli mediassa kuolinilmoitusten valossa

Religion and the Media: Death Notices in the Turun Sanomat Newspaper — Publishing a death notice in a newspaper is a cultural practice, a means of informing friends and acquaintances of the deceased. A death notice is also a means for expressing and processing the loss experienced by family members and organisations. This article discusses death notices as a means of religious expression, exploring changes in death notices between 1998 and 2008 in the Turun Sanomat daily newspaper and seeking to deter-mine how these death notices illustrate the role of religion and how it has changed in the media.
Katsauksia ja keskustelua
Johanna Politi
Psykoterapeuttisesti painottuneen sielunhoidon ei tulisi olla rippisalaisuus

Lasse Halme
Pyhä, pyhä, pyhä? Ihmisen, luonnon ja Jumalan pyhyys Raamatussa, kirkon perinteessä ja nykyisessä ymmärryksessämme


  • Ben Malinen. The Nature, Origins, and Consequences of Finnish Shame-Proneness: A Grounded Theory Study (Jukka Aaltonen)
  • Lea Rättyä. Diakoniatyö yksilöllisenä ja yhteisöllisenä auttamisena yhteiskunnallisessa muutoksessa (Sirpa Janhonen)
  • Mika Nokelainen. Vähemmistövaltiokirkon synty: Ortodoksisen kirkkokunnan ja valtion suhteiden muotoutuminen Suomessa 1917–1922 (Marjo-Riitta Antikainen)
  • Marko Lamberg, Anu Lahtinen & Susanna Niiranen (toim.) Keskiajan avain (Virpi Mäkinen)
  • Veronika Hoffmann (HG.) Die Gabe: Ein Urwort der Theologie? (Risto Saarinen)
  • Hartmut Lehmann. Säkularisierung: Der europäische Sonderweg in Sachen Religion (Esko M. Laine)
  • Yosef Garfinkel & Saar Ganor. Khirbet Qeiyafa Vol. 1 Excavation Report 2007–2008 (Juha Pakkala)

